Hands-on experiment building microservices and cloud native applications

Register your Room

Game On! is relies on a variant of a WebHook to allow the core game to find your service. Part of registering a room is providing a publicly reachable endpoint (a WebHook) that follows the Room API (primarily the WebSocket protocol), as well as other factors like unique room names and descriptions, or the presence of customized items or commands.

Room Management: Register a new room

  1. Go to Game On! and sign in.
  2. Click on the building icon in the top right of the game screen to go to the Room Management page.
  3. Make sure Create a new room is selected from the Select a room drop-down.
  4. Provide a short nickname for your room (required), e.g. shortcut
  5. Provide a descriptive title for your room, e.g. The Shortest Cut
  6. Paste in the WebSocket endpoint. If you visit your deployed application, you should be able to copy the WebSocket address from the (admittedly basic) webpage.
  7. Fill in as many other fields as you care to.
    • The description provided in this UI is used in the interactive map and other lists or indexes of defined rooms. The description shown in the game can reuse this text, or can be defined separately.
    • Doors: Describe each door as seen from the outside.
  8. Click Register and the room will be registered (added to the Map).

You can come back to this page to update your room registrations at any time. Choose the room you want to update from the drop-down, make any desired changes, and click either Update to save the changes, or Delete to delete the registration entirely.

Hello, World!

Once the room is set up and it has registered with Game On!, it will be accessible as a room in the game.

  1. If you aren’t in The First Room, use /sos to return there.
  2. Use the Game On! command /listmyrooms from The First Room, to see your list of rooms. Your newly registered room should appear in that list.
  3. Use the /teleport command to go directly to your room from The First Room to see it in action.

Congratulations, you’ve deployed a microservice that extended an existing microservices-based application so that it can do something new!

On to Advanced Adventures…​