Hands-on experiment building microservices and cloud native applications

Spring Room!

We have a new sample room written in Java with the Spring framework:

This post is a brief overview of the creation process.

Jumpstart with code gen

Using this guide, we made a Spring microservice starter that could be deployed to Bluemix with just a few commands:

{% highlight shell_session %} $ bx dev create ? Select a pattern:

  1. Web App
  2. Mobile App
  3. Backend for Frontend
  4. Microservice
  5. MFP Enter a number> 4

? Select a starter:

  1. Basic Enter a number> 1

? Select a language:

  1. Java - MicroProfile / Java EE
  2. Node
  3. Python
  4. Java - Spring Framework Enter a number> 4

? Enter a name for your project> springmsdemo
? Enter a hostname for your project> springmsdemo ? Do you want to add services to your project? [y/n]> y

? Select a service:

  1. Cloudant NoSQL Database
  2. Object Storage Enter a number> 1

? Select a service plan:

  1. Lite
  2. Standard
  3. Dedicated Hardware Enter a number> 1

Successfully added service to project.

? Do you want to add another service? [y/n]> n

The project, springmsdemo, has been successfully saved into the current directory. OK {% endhighlight %}

Time to fill in our own code!

Borrowing from the Java room

The Java room had a lot of code we could reuse, so that's what we did.

Notable differences:

{% highlight java linenos %} @Configuration @EnableWebSocket class WebSocketConfig implements WebSocketConfigurer {

  SocketHandler handler;

  public void registerWebSocketHandlers(WebSocketHandlerRegistry registry) {
      registry.addHandler(handler, "/room");

} {% endhighlight %}

{% highlight java linenos %} @Component public class SocketHandler extends TextWebSocketHandler {

  private final HashMap<String, WebSocketSession> sessions = new HashMap<>();
  private RoomImplementation roomImplementation;

  public void afterConnectionEstablished(WebSocketSession session) throws Exception {
      sessions.put(session.getId(), session);
      session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(Message.ACK_MSG.toString()));

  public void afterConnectionClosed(WebSocketSession session, CloseStatus status) throws Exception {
      Log.log(Level.INFO, this, "WebSocketSession with Id (" + session.getId() + ") closed with reason: " + status.getReason());

  public void handleMessage(WebSocketSession session, WebSocketMessage<?> message) throws Exception {
      roomImplementation.handleMessage(new Message(message.getPayload().toString()), this);

  public void sendMessage(Message message) {
      for (WebSocketSession s : sessions.values()) {
          sendMessageToSession(s, message);

  private boolean sendMessageToSession(WebSocketSession session, Message message) {
      try {
          session.sendMessage(new TextMessage(message.toString()));
          return true;
      } catch (IOException e) {

} {% endhighlight %}

After porting some common code, we can run mvn spring-boot:run to see our Spring room running locally!

Deploying to Bluemix

After adding Travis, Docker, and JaCoCo, we were ready to deploy to Bluemix:

bx dev build


bx dev deploy

and our room is deployed as a Cloud Foundry service with a reachable endpoint!

Registering the room with Game On!


/teleport spring-sample